The Traveliving Series: Why All Overlanders Should Pay 5 EUR For Camping?
As explained before in a previous Traveliving Series installment, overlanders is a quite respectful “tribe” of travelling industry in terms of numbers & market share. However, the tourism & hospitality industry has not been designed to accommodate their needs & expectations. At least, not in all cases.
The Traveliving Series: How to find an exceptional work exchange (and skip the fees of the platforms)
Fact No1: Traveliving is exciting, fun & an interesting way to live. However, it can get frustrating, tiring, boring and highly demanding on several resources.
Fact No2: You cannot only travel. It is impossible to travel for a long time without doing anything. No matter how much money and time you have available, it is not fun after some point. So you have to fill your routine with different things.
The Traveliving Series: The Miseni Retreat (Tanzania)
Everything started from our donation of pencils, rubbers and sharpeners for the village of Saadani that is primarily sponsored and supported by SANA, one of the siblings of Miseni Retreat family.
Costas, Bakari, Ally, Mzee Sefu, Mama Tuma opened their arms and hosted us for more than 1,5 month in the spring of 2013.
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The Traveliving Series: Akis Temperidis
What we love when talking for our trips is talking about others.
Its so vain to talk about yourself all the time.. People get bored, don’t they?
Akis Temperidis is a professional photographer & journalist who specializes in car industry but what makes Akis an exceptional friend is his passion about travel adventures around the world.
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The Traveliving Series: How To (self-) publish your first travel book
First of all, we have to make this clear: the HOW-TO guides is not our best. It might sounds contradictory -or even off-putting- but we are writing this piece of information in order to help and “enlighten” other travellers who are thinking to write their first book, primarily, by having an accumulated experience of 5 years of travelling and 9 months as self-publishers.
The Traveliving Series: The Check-Ins
Traveliving means freedom. But also means connection & interaction with the locals. Say buenos dias* or habari za asubuhi** in the gas station or at the reception of your hotel, most of the times is not enough and as a traveller, you have the chance to build a proper relationship with the locals every single day.
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The Traveliving Series: The grey area of sponsorships
Deals, bargains, offers. Travellers are always looking for opportunities to save money, create income on their way or even get sponsorships. The common denominator is to find the perfect source of income that will allow you to travel for as long as possible as well as save your passive income. Plus, if you can get some gadgets for free, why not?
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The Traveliving Series: The budget
Let’s face it. Traveliving involves an essential budget not only for the day-to-day activities and expenses but also for the preparation. However, is not that dreadful and everybody can organize his financial resources in an efficient way. Plus, it is measurable and can be monitored easily, anytime. At the end of the day, if Greeks can do it, everybody can do it 😉
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The Traveliving Series: Spin the Wheel
We firmly believe that cycling is the most romantic way to explore the world. Yes, we know! It’s exhausting, strenuous and requires great strength, determination and preparation but all these do not make it difficult but rather challenging.
Spin the Wheel is a Greek initiative to cycle in Malawi & Tanzania (about 800 km) in order to raise funds and provide 4.500 kids in 15 schools with stationary, notebooks and sports equipment.
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The Traveliving Series: Tourist vs Overlander: 0-0
Africa is full of tribes. The same in Latin America & Asia. Travelling as an activity has its own share as well. Tourists & overlanders make up the two biggest “tribes” in the travelling industry in terms of numbers and market share.
If there are one million differences between tourists and overlanders, there are one million similarities as well.
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The Traveliving Series: @access.o
“What are you doing today? I’m sure you’re busy.
There’s work, gym, me time, family time, networking, hobbies, happy hour and don’t forget those 8 hours sleep. All of those are squeezed between some good hours in traffic getting in and out. But, wait. Aren’t you missing something?
You are. Each choice you make is also an abnegation.
The question is: what are you willing to give up?
Would you trade your paycheck for time with family?
Would you give up your stuff for freedom?
Would you pause your Netflix to enjoy the sky?”
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The Traveliving Series: The eternal dream of a life change
First of all, TRAVELIVING has not been created to support our travels and we do not count on the revenues from it. It is a travel resource, it is an on-the-road tool, it is a box full of memories, advice, information & experiences BUT it is not a way to generate income while travelling.
Everything started and finished on the road (writing, editing, designing, publishing etc) and we couldn’t support better our current lifestyle and the decision we took 5 years ago to leave our comfort zone and start roaming free.
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The Traveliving Series: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Surprises, last minute changes, opportunities, prospects, background. More or less, all these affect the decisions we take in our daily life. The denominator is the freedom we enjoy which is also a decision we have taken unconsciously.
However, life is full of options (along with chances) and there are always two ways to achieve things. The easy way and the hard way.
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The Traveliving Series: 1 Gaitán
While in Colombia & after talking shit with some fellow travellers, we came up with the idea to make a hand-made frisbee. Georgia loves crochet and after 3 hours we had our first prototype. Acrylic wool is dirty cheap in Colombia and after a week, stock was ready. Our first attempt to present & sell our creative idea in Colombia, was outside of the Museum of Modern Art, in Medellín.
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The Traveliving Series: Kasetophono
Road trip means music. Good music. PERIOD!
Κασετόφωνο or Kasetophono is a type of tape machine for playing and recording audio compact cassettes. (source: Wikipedia) is something “bigger” than a regular tape machine and the last five years it has transformed massively the way we travelive.
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The Traveliving Series: The Social Media Phrenitis
You are about to live the dream of starting travelling around the world. You picked up your favourite vehicle, you set it up, you purchased all your necessary equipment, you shopped your travel insurance, you issued all the necessary paperwork (passports, driving licence, etc.), you planned your itinerary according to the weather patterns and local regulations and you are ready to set off. (Time & money function is a thing that you will work on your way).
Did you forget something?
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The Traveliving Series: Mark Schneider
We first met Mark in El Cuco, El Salvador. Mark is a solo traveler from Ottawa, Canada and he came to verify everything of what Canadians are famous for. The last 5 months or so, he is travelling solo from Ontario, Canada to Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia in a Honda Odyssey family van.
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The Traveliving Series: The Pin Project Board Game
A book & a board game keep us busy the last few years and this is how we get the most out of the Traveliving concept.
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The Traveliving Series: Mariano Karlen
For those who have already got traveliving | a romantic & practical guide, you have probably an idea of what traveliving is about and you can relate Mariano’s story with the concept of traveliving. For those who have not yet, do not miss the chance to get inspired by people like Mariano and order your copy so as to see what is all about 😉
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