The Pin Projectlogo is a self-funded travel project with a final goal to travel around the world with our own home registered vehicle(s) -wherever it’s possible- without any time restrictions. By exploring the globe, we eventually explore ourselves.

We departed from Greece on the 29th of April, 2012 and with a short 9 months break back in Greece in 2014, we are traveliving non-stop since then. We have crossed 45+ countries in Europe, Africa & America  but most important, we have experienced a unique mix of kindness & hospitality that fuels our trip and motivates us to carry on.

We promised to put as many pins as we can in the world map, visit as many places as possible, do exceptional things, meet new people, live the adventure and wander around with our own means in new places. We seriously decided to get rid of the useless stuff and possessions, escape from the daily routine and survive with the basics. We want to make it now that we are young and so we have nothing to lose but -most important- see the other side of the same coin. It is very romantic to say that you want to travel around the world and actually it is much easier than quitting everything and go.

Regarding the preparation costs and the funding of the trip itself, unfortunately we do not have a machine that generates money or we did not win the lottery. We both used to work for five years in the Greek private sector and we were far away from the Greek modern lifestyle. Following a very thorough savings program, selling our city cars and most of our furniture and other stuff, we managed to raise a significant amount of money that allowed us to buy a second-hand 4×4 vehicle, all the necessary equipment and gear as well as save a reasonable amount of money to meet everyday needs (that refers to the first section of the trip in Africa that lasted 2 years from 2012 to 2014). Since 2015, we are roaming to the American continent and we mainly rely on the rent we get from our flat in Chalkida which is about 500 euro.

img_0456Obviously, it’s not enough and we always come up with new ideas in order to fund our little dream and keep enjoying our travels without begging for sponsors, support and donations in order to carry on. Working locally is our best and so far we have made lots of new friends, we have acquired new skills, we have gained unique experiences and of course we have made enough money to keep on traveliving. Volunteering is our second best and we really love and enjoy to invest our major asset which is time, in some special cases and places.


In Ghana, South img_0101Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Canada, México, Ecuador & Perú we worked in exchange for money, food & accommodation and we did exceptional, unique, memorable things! Our university degrees and previous professional experience come always handy when it comes to skills and insight but we do not seek proper office jobs for obvious reasons. Looking for temporary jobs and doing what locals do with local salaries and working conditions, tasting new cuisines and making real friends are our main goals when we stop the road trip and live for a while in a place like locals.





Check here our actual route (click on the map):


“You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.”  Steve Jobs


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