Overland Travel publications
Amazon Kindle technical issues & a generous discount for those affected
How Amazon monopolises the eBok market and how can ruin your efforts to publish your work.
How Amazon monopolises the eBok market and how can ruin your efforts to publish your work.
From today on until the 5th of May, you can get for FREE our eBook through Amazon Store. Please check here for more info: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07118VD1T/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493583531&sr=8-1&keywords=traveliving Thank you all for following, sharing & supporting!
It took us a while but our first book has been published a few hours ago. We are so HAPPY for that and we want to share it with you. You can order it here: https://thepinproject.eu/traveliving-a-romantic-practical-guide/ Happy travels 😉