New Year, New Project, New Travel Pictures!
@TravelEatingByGeorgia is our new Instagram account but most important the next publication for this year. A tasteful blend of perpetual travel lifestyle and local food culture and a creative way to communicate all our culinary experiences from all around the world.
Having explained before the phrenitis of social media and their ephemeral power, we are aiming to use Instagram clearly as a sharing & engagement tool rather than a show-off machine with daily posts & thousands (paid) followers.
So, the next big thing is TRAVELEATING, our first travel cook book with local recipes as well as recipes for the camping that we will keep us busy for a while. Plus, we will contribute our knowledge, passion and yummy experiences to the vast community of travellers and food lovers 😉
Pre-orders in the form of crowdfunding will open soon. In the meantime, check our van-made travel recipes as well as local food pictures at @TravelEatingByGeorgia (no need to follow, JUST CHECK the pics!) and stay in touch 😉
Thank you all for being part of this trip.
Georgia & Nikos